Wood Boat Builder and Master Shipwright
F. W. "Skip" Joest
Building and Restoring Wood Boats for over 35 years.
1930 Schooner MISTRESS
F. W. "Skip" Joest - Master Shipwright
Joest Boats
United States
Staysail Rigged Schooner
Hull type: Full displacement hull, full keel with attached rudder.
Hull Material: Fir and mahogany planking treated with red lead and sheathed with six layers of FRP.
Exterior Hull: White Awlgrip with gold cove stripes.
Bulkheads: Main bulkhead is 3/4" plywood and is water-tight, other bulkheads are "Plascore" with wood veneer.
Stringers: 2"x6" fir stringers. Stem: White oak stem
Transom: Cold molded mahogany with high gloss Bristol finish
Bilge: Painted gray, clean and dry Chain Locker (Drainage): Forepeak locker drains to bilge
Keel: Iron keel is attached with all new 1" stainless steel keel bolts.
Floor timber construction: Yellow pine Frames: Steamed oak and laminated ash
Fasteners: All fasteners were replaced with stainless steel, FRP was attached with 22,000 Monel staples, now all is sealed with six layers of FRP utilizing polyester resin.
Deck Construction: Cold molded Juniper and Meranti plywood sheathed with Dynel
Hull to Deck Joint: The deck sets on top of the shear clamp and is screwed/glued in place, the FRP hull sheathing wraps up over the bulwarks then down over the joint/decks.
All new in 2006
Masts: Two painted aluminum masts Mast Steps: Keel stepped on iron fittings.
Spreaders: Double Spruce spreaders on each mast. Booms: 2 Spruce, 1 Mahogany
Shrouds & Stays: Shrouds and stays are 1x19 stainless steel wire rigging with swaged terminals on the tops and Hayn mechanical terminals on the bottoms.
Turnbuckles: Chrome/bronze turnbuckles of the open design.
Toggles: Stainless steel jaw type toggles Chain Plates: External stainless steel
Mast Supporters: Spartite on the main and cedar wedges on the fore mast
All new in 2006
Winches: Enkes 2-speed self-tailing winches: Two #26ASC & two #20s. There are also six Merrimen top action single speed bronze winches. (These are not new, however in good working order).
Topping Lift: Braided topping lifts Halyards: Braided and color coded
Roller Furling Gear: Pro Furl for the jib
Sail Inventory: Mainsail with one reef point, Roller furling 100% jib with linen Sunbrella cover, Jumbo, Staysail, King Fisherman, Queen Fisherman, Assymetrical spinnaker, Balloon spinnaker. Sails are dated and in usable condition. It is the only item that has not been transformed into all new.
2006 Yanmar 56hp, Model: 4JH3E four cylinder diesel, naturally aspirated. Main engine beds are oak longitudinals inboard and outboard in conjunction, rubber dampened adjustable motor mounts are bolted to the beds and used to adjust the engine alignment as well as secure it to the vessel. Exhaust system is raw water cooled cast iron riser and flexible silicon wet exhaust hoses double clamped to the FRP water list type muffler. Engine room is sound insulated from main cabin.
Fuel Filter System: Raco primary fuel filters with valve system to allow changing of filters without shutting down engine, also separate Raco filter with 12v. fuel pump to self-polish the diesel and return it to the tank.
This pump also used to prime the gravity fed diesel cabin heater in the saloon.
Batteries: Northstar AGM batteries, one group 27 and four 8D's - 2 battery banks with Blue Seas rotary type switches.
Charging System: 80amp engine/belt driven alternator, 100amp charger as part of the Xantrex Pro-Sine 2.0 inverter/charger, Air-X wind generator, two Shell 85watt solar panels mounted on custom SOLAR STIK fully articulating mounts, tied into a Blue Sky controller. Marinco 125v./30amp shore power inlet. All new with rebuild - 120v outlets throughout and cigarette type in cockpit.
Electric Panels: Blue Sky & Custom Breaker Panels at Nav. station and engine room.
Toe rails: Wood bulwarks with mahogany cap rail
Bowsprit: Welded tubular aluminum painted white
Scuppers: Three scuppers each side, cockpit has two drains
Windlass/Gipsy: 12v. Lofrans Cayman horizontal windlass with a chain/rope gypsy and rope drum.
Deck Wash Down Pump: Self priming with hose bib under windlass
Hawse Pipes: Three stainless steel anchor rode hawse pipes
Deck Boxes: Two cabin top mounted mahogany deck boxes.
Deck Surface: Smooth surfaces are painted white with painted beige non-skid.
Hatches: One mahogany/teak deck hatch forward
Life Lines: The vessel is equipped with removable 3/4" stay-set X braided life lines.
Anchor Platform: Three rollers on the bow sprit.
Material: Coldmolded superstructure with varnished mahogany sides.
Deck Hatches: Sliding hatch over the companionway. Seahood
Windows/Ports/Doors: Twelve opening bronze port lights and mahogany companionway boards.
Fittings and hardware: Mahogany grab rails.
LOA: 56' LOD: 50' LWL: 38' Beam: 11' 8" Draft: 6' 8"
Fuel Capacity: 91 Gal. Fresh water: 60 Gal. Holding Tank: 30 Gal.
Displacement: 27,000lbs Net Tons: 22 tons
AC Power: 125v/30amp DC Power: 12v
Air Conditioning and Heating System: Marine Air reverse cycle with electronic controls, 16,000BTU, raw water pump cooling, 115 volt electric pump system with bronze seacock, a screen over outside intake, and a bronze sight glass type sea strainer. Dickerson Chesapeake model diesel cabin heater in the saloon.
Thru-hulls: Bronze seacocks with Ipe and teak backing blocks installed new during rebuild.
Fresh Water Systems: Two plastic and three molded FRP fresh water stowage tanks with a 60 Gal. capacity. Additional 6 Gal. tank in deck box on cabin house top for bottled water with gravity feed to the galley. On demand in the head, foot peddle in the galley. Additional foot peddle in the galley for overboard water.
Hot Water Heater: 4 Gal. capacity stainless steel Isotherm 7amp. 120v AC with engine heat exchanger and anti scald valve.
Pumps: 12v. Shurflo Silencer on demand fresh water pump
Bilge Pumps: Four Rule 2000 gph "One each primary and secondary pumps in each of the fwrd and aft bilge", with indicator lights in cockpit and Nav. Station. Secondary pumps have audible alarm. All pumps plumbed with vented loops and seacocks. Rule 2000 gph in head for shower sump and air conditioner condensate. Gulper 350 gph in sump for stuffing box drip. MISTRESS's bilge has remained bone dry since her launch in 2006. The only water we have ever found in it is from Skip or I knocking over the dog's water bowl.
Reverse Osmosis Water Maker: Pur Power Survivor 40E - 40 Gal. per day with spare filters, new membrane, and seal kit.
Head: Raritan PH-2 manual head with 30 Gal. holding tank.
Fridge & Freezer: Fridgeboat 12v. keel cooled approx. 2amps/per hr. Separate freezer and refrigerator compartments, with thermostat controlled fan between.
Stove: Force 10 three burner, oven, broiler propane stove. Two propane tanks one on either side of the cockpit in lockers flush with deck. One storage tank, one operational tank.
Dinghy/Tender: 7' 10" West Marine Inflatable,
Canvas and covers: Linen Sunbrella covers for the main, staysail, and jumbo boom sails, pedestal & wheel, flag, BBQ grill, winches, and fore-deck hatch, there are also three white dacron full deck awnings.
Ground Tackle: One 60lb. deep set plow anchor with 250' 3/8th" high test galvanized chain + 200' 3/4" nylon rode. One 65lb. plow type with 100' 3/8" high test galvanized chain + 250' 3/4" nylon rode.
Fenders: Four Fender boards: Two
Life Raft: 4 person Ravere Offshore life raft with stainless steel bracket on house top and hydrostatic release.
EPIRB: Class A mounted on cabin top with hydrostatic release.
Fire Extinguishers: 3 PFD's: 6 Type II, 1 Type IV Throwable
VHF: Icom, IC-M302 at helm and a Standard Horizon Eclipse+ at the Nav. Station
Radar: Furuno, Model: 1623, 16 mile radar at the helm
GPS: SiTex color chart plotter at the helm and Furuno at Nav. Station
Auto Helm: Simrad AP26 with hydraulic linear drive
Depth Sounder: Raymarine ST40
Compasses: Kelvin White magnetic compass
Barometer: Schatz
Ship's Clock: Schatz
Stereo: AM/FM w/ NOAA weather radio, CD player, IPOD jack, inside and outside speakers.
Most Recent Survey - August 2011 (in the water)
Accurate Marine Surveys, Inc.
Gary Grankovich A. M. S. #749
Surveyors Comments
"MISTRESS is a 50' L.O.D. Eastward Schooner designed by Eldridge McIness. Originally built by T. H. Soule and totally rebuilt from 2000-2006 by Fred Joest. With her Bristol Finish bright work, her modern electrical systems, her Yanmar diesel engine, and her beautiful interior comprised of modern light weight materials with numerous wood veneers and inlays, the vessel offers the lines of a classic schooner with the comfort and reliability of a modern yacht. The hull has been sheathed with FRP (fiber-reinforced plastic), the decks are covered with Dynel, and the Awlgrip paint is flawless. Owners have detailed photo-documentation of the rebuild and many of the photos & much information are available at This vessel draws crowds and is admired at every dock she visits. To show how impressed I was with this vessel, I've surveyed over 1,700 boats, this is only the second vessel I've given a Bristol (Excellent) condition rating".
Excellent/Bristol Condition, is a vessel that is maintained in mint or bristol fashion - usually better than factory new - loaded with extras - a rarity.
Accommodations: Forepeak chain locker is followed aft by a V-berth. Next aft is an office to port with a locker to starboard. Continuing aft is the athwartships galley with the sink and stove to port and the fridge and freezer to starboard. Next is the main saloon with a convertible settee to port followed aft by the enclosed head with telephone shower, to starboard is an aft facing navigation station followed by a quarter berth. The joinery and finish of the interior was excellent, numerous species of woods and veneer were used, as well as an inlaid chart table. The interior bulkheads were finely fit.
Survey available upon request. Email
$325,000 USD
Delivery anywhere in the world is available.
or call U. S.
904 347-3763
Chart table
Looking forward past the chart table and saloon through galley, and then forward to office and state room.
Microwave now gone and good storage cabinet in its place. Galley starboard side with fridge and freezer lockers.
Force 10 three burner stove with oven/broiler. DEEP double sink.
Office forward with cubbies above and below desk top. Built in Ram-mount for computer.
Additional pictures can be found throughout this website including haul out pictures from May 2008. Go to MEMORY MONDAYS for a more thorough look at the rebuild.
1930 Schooner MISTRESS
F. W. "Skip" Joest - Master Shipwright
Joest Boats
United States